"But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt." ~ Genesis 19:26
This story was set in the time of Sodom and Gomorrah when the people of that town where so evil that God had to resolve to rain down burning sulfur to destroy it. Now the my emphasis is really on Lot's wife and the fact that she looked back after God had explicitly told her not to look bac. What made her look back? why did she feel the need to look back?
Let me go back a moment and just paint the picture of how Lot and family got to be in Sodom & Gomorrah. God told Abraham to leave his country and when he left he took LOT (His name literally means DELAY). God did not say he must bring Lot with but in essence he did and along thew way Abraham's herdsmen and Lot's herdsmen started arguing so they both went their separate ways. Now Abraham because he was a son of the promise he gave Lot a choice to choose where he would go and Lot chose the greener pastures. (Side Note: Gen 18: 16-33 ~Pause here to understand that in choosing the greener pastures he thought he was outsmarting the son of the promise, only to find that years later the very same man he was trying to outsmart is the same man who interceded for his life when he was in Sodom & Gomorrah...BE CAREFUL WHO YOU MESS WITH, YOU MIGHT NEED THAT SAME PERSON YOU PLAY WITH IN ORDER FOR GOD TO USHER YOU INTO YOUR NEXT LEVEL!)
Fast forward a couple of years Lot and Wife are in Sodom and Gomorrah and God has seen that the city is evil(Gen 18:20-21) and he tell his friend(Abraham) that he is going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. Now due Abraham's friendship with God , Lot's life was spared and the and the angel gave him time to go to the nearest town so him and his family would be saved.Now the angel gave specific instruction on how they were to leave Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen 19:17). THEY WERE TOLD NOT TO LOOK BACK! (Side Note: The Israelites were caught in the same predicament when they left Egypt, when they were stuck between the red sea and the Egyptian armies the first notion was to look back and even GO BACK...Its because they did not understand that the same God who brought them out of Egypt will be the same one who will bring them into the promised land...THAT SAME GENERATION THAT DID NOT BELIEVE DIED OUT IN THE DESERT!)
Now as they left, Lot's wife did the mistake of looking BACK. (We serve not a GOD who deals with the past but we serve a GOD who deals with the NOW and the FUTURE!!) When God gets ready to move you to your next level, you have nothing to do anymore with your PAST(Its passed for a reason!). Don't let your past (However tempting it might be to go back to) hinder your NOW and what God is taking you INTO(that is your NEXT LEVEL). Imagine if she had not looked back and she would be living a new life with his husband and daughters but instead she looked back and was turned to salt(Bitterness). Everything about your past is bitter(SALT represents the bitterness in life that looking back brings into your life as you continuously look back on your past).
Today look forward to the God of YOUR NOW AND YOUR NEXT!! (End Note: The past is gone, all things have been made NEW!) #BlessingsToYou
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